Отель "Южный рай"
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Summer is the best time to get rid of all the challenges and go to Anapa for holidays
Let the transparent sea and golden sand comfort and caress you. 
Relax,  listen to the sea waving  and gulls crying.  Take delight in spectacular views observation. 
Breathe in the adventurous odour of the unknown. 
Try the exotic cuisine and delicious cocktails. 











Have a rest! To work is our task.
Take pains to confirm booking 10 days before your arrival by pnone  8 (918) 439-55-88.
We have no age limits and welcome guests all year round. 

Health Improvement and Medical Treatment in Anapa.

A wonderful southern town known as Anapa has got a unique geographicall position. It is located at the border of two native zones. Here the speppes of Taman and the mountains of the Caucasus meet each other. People come here from all the parts of Russia to have a rest, bathe in the warm sea and warm themselves under the gentle sun. 

Besides, many tourists get to Anapa to have medical treatment. And if resort recreation is possible only in summer, to improve health you can all year round. Being deprived of large industrial institutions Anapa has wonderful ecological state and natives of capitals and other big cities even find it hard to get used to such fresh air. 

The fusion of humid marine, dry steppe and cool mountain airs is good for respiratory apparatus in particular and the whole organism in general. Thus, patients having respiratory problems (but not TB!) are recommended to visit Anapa. Simple sojourn in Anapa positively influences your health. 

By the way, there is such a method of treatment known as health path. All you do is just follow the particular routes. There are several helth pathes (in the town itself and in the two resort villages, Dzhemete and Vityazevo). All the health pathes skirt the coastline. 

All the beaches of Anapa (sandy and pebbly ones) are extremely popular. THeir general length exeeds 60 kilometres. Staying on the beach provides not only positive emotions but a curative effect as well. First, swimming in the sea is useful for health becuse of the water chemical composition, secondly walking barefoot on the sand or pebbles you get the foot micromassage and warm the whole organism. 

Anapa is one of the sunniest Russian towns. Almost 300 days a year it's sunny here, while in many othe cities people are deprived of the sun energy what negatively influences their mood and health. 
Besides natural medical resources which are free of charge, tourists can take advantage of medical services in the resort. 

In one of the sanatoria people can take a course of nonmedicamentous treatment. There such methods as balneotherapy, watertherapy, ampelotherapy, mudtherapy and many other therapies. What is important, to ask for services in a sanatorium it's not obligatory to have a sanatorium voucher. You are quit able to stay in a hotel, guest house of private sector and go for chosen treatment.

Not only adult people take medical treatment in Anapa. It is widely known as a children health resort, thus kids of differnt ages can also come here either with parents or not to improve health. 

Come to Anapa to improve your health for it is the most valuable treasure one possesses!

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