Отель "Южный рай"
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Summer is the best time to get rid of all the challenges and go to Anapa for holidays
Let the transparent sea and golden sand comfort and caress you. 
Relax,  listen to the sea waving  and gulls crying.  Take delight in spectacular views observation. 
Breathe in the adventurous odour of the unknown. 
Try the exotic cuisine and delicious cocktails. 











Have a rest! To work is our task.
Take pains to confirm booking 10 days before your arrival by pnone  8 (918) 439-55-88.
We have no age limits and welcome guests all year round. 

The Village of Blagoveshchenskaya


In he vicinity of Anapa there are two estuaies famous for their silt muds which are widely used for treatment of different diseases. 
Mud cure provokes better metabolism, angenesis and better adrenals functioning. Sulfurated mud is of antibacterial action, it contains antibiotics-like
Between these two estuaries close to the sandy spit there located a small and peacefull village beautifully called Blagoveshchenskaya. Despite 
not a  well-developped infrustructure (there ony several shops and cafes and a small waterpark) it has something to boast of what really attracts tourists 
who appreciate the so-called free-wheeling  vacationing. Its natural beaties including magnificent sandy beach and transparent sea-depths are tenderly loved by families and those who are tired of the hectic life in big cities. The main advantages of this place are peace and stillness. Besides,  adventurous people - paraglider pilots, wind surfers, kite surfers and divers are also eager to spend some time here. The most popular extremal amusement here are Jeepping meaning outlanding driving and quadrocycling. Take advantage of one of the excursion stalls services to choose th best route. 
The village with its numerous campings is a paradise for camping-lovers. Though if you want, it is aways possible to put up your tent in isolation and to live facing up with wild nature. 
The route from Anapa to Blagoveshchenskay takes about 40 minutes. You can always get on one of minibuses or take a taxi to reach the town. 
Thus, nature-lovers appreciating seas and beaches, piace and calmness as well as cheap accomodation - Blagoveschenskaya is the ideal destination for you!
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