Отель "Южный рай"
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Summer is the best time to get rid of all the challenges and go to Anapa for holidays
Let the transparent sea and golden sand comfort and caress you. 
Relax,  listen to the sea waving  and gulls crying.  Take delight in spectacular views observation. 
Breathe in the adventurous odour of the unknown. 
Try the exotic cuisine and delicious cocktails. 











Have a rest! To work is our task.
Take pains to confirm booking 10 days before your arrival by pnone  8 (918) 439-55-88.
We have no age limits and welcome guests all year round. 

Summer Life in Anapa.

Spending summer vacations in a resort town has nothing in common with the usual lifestyle in habitual conditions. One can do so much within a short period of vacationd not even having notice the time passed by. One of the most Anapa peculiarities is that the town can equally please those who appreciate calm sunbathing on beaches, visiting excursions, getting medical treatment in sanatoria, or merrymaking in nightclubs. There are two types of beaches sandy and pebbly ones. The former are stretched out to the North to the direction of Taman while the latter skirt the coastline to the South. 

Anapa is a small and comfortable town having a developed entartaining infrustructure, though if you want to stay in a complete calmness you can choose its countryside or one of the resort villages in the vicinity. If you haven't got an all-inclusive ticket and food is not provided you can alway take advantage of various cafes offering cuisines of all the world countries or order a meal to your room. 

If you main target is to improve health apply for a place in a sanatorium. As a curative method you can choose climatotherapy, hirudotherapy, ampelotherapy(grapes treatment), vine treatent, balneotherapy and many others. 

Anapa in broad daylight ana Anapa at night are completely different. In the first case it is a colourful, sunny resort for children. It radically changes in the evening to a mysterious place sounding laughter, music and water splashes. Dance in a nightclub, have a snack in a quiet cafe, ake a trip along the shore, bathe in the, follow call of your soul. 

Tracking, kite and wind surfings, wakeboarding, paragliding, diving and many other extreme sports are wainting for adventurous tourists. Just choose what you like most!

In case you have thurst for knowledge, there are various educational and informative trips and excursions around the town and to the countryside. You'll find out about natural wonders, sea beauties, habits of tribes that once loved in this area.

Anapa is a holiday town. There constantly take place different fests, exhibitions, concerts and performances.

Anapa is to satisfy each of its guests for it's a multifaced colourful town with cordial atmosphere. Having visited it once you'll never forget Anapa.

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