Отель "Южный рай"
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Summer is the best time to get rid of all the challenges and go to Anapa for holidays
Let the transparent sea and golden sand comfort and caress you. 
Relax,  listen to the sea waving  and gulls crying.  Take delight in spectacular views observation. 
Breathe in the adventurous odour of the unknown. 
Try the exotic cuisine and delicious cocktails. 











Have a rest! To work is our task.
Take pains to confirm booking 10 days before your arrival by pnone  8 (918) 439-55-88.
We have no age limits and welcome guests all year round. 

Resort Villages


Not all the Guests aspire to stay in the centre of the resort town. That's why resort villages such as Vityazevo, Dzhemete, Sukko, Bolshoj Utrish and Blagoveshchenskaya are gaining popularity.
Despite less developed infrastructure of these settlements they still possess all the necesary to ensure comfortable recreation. Besides, all of them are in the vicinity of Anapa. The road to Anapa takes for about half an hour. It's quite insignificant time in comparison with trips around big cities. 
The villages of Sukko and Bolshoj Utrish are famous for their nature of extreme beauty. Here,at the northern foothills of the Greater Caucasus range, lovers of nature and pebbly beaches are to find various species of unique relic plans. In Bolshoj Utrish there is famous Anapa Dolphinarium. 
In case you prefer lowlands and sandy beaches go to Vityazevo, Dzhemete or Blagoveshchenskaya. Consider that the latter is a place to have a complete rest from the hectic city life. Take advantage of its splendid not crowded beach. 
The former two villages are closer to Anapa and their infrastructure is more developped. In Vityazevo the life convols on the quay known as the Paralia. Dzhemete has a huge waterpark, an amusement park.
However, if you desire to enjoy sandy beaches as well as pebbly ones you'd better choose Anapa itself. Walking along the quay you wil have a great oppotunity to watch how pebbles change to sand and choose the beach according to you mood. Besides, you can easily reach beaches of the countryside having taken an advantage of public transport.
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