Отель "Южный рай"
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Summer is the best time to get rid of all the challenges and go to Anapa for holidays
Let the transparent sea and golden sand comfort and caress you. 
Relax,  listen to the sea waving  and gulls crying.  Take delight in spectacular views observation. 
Breathe in the adventurous odour of the unknown. 
Try the exotic cuisine and delicious cocktails. 











Have a rest! To work is our task.
Take pains to confirm booking 10 days before your arrival by pnone  8 (918) 439-55-88.
We have no age limits and welcome guests all year round. 

The Village of Suukko.


The village of Sukko situated 13 kilometres away from Anapa owes its name to the river crossing the valley of the same name meaning 'the Velley of Water' or ' The Wild Boar Pond'.  
The is located at a kilometre's distance from the beach where you can get by car or on foot following the path skirting the river. 
Near the pebbly beach of the village  there are lines of souvenir, beach clothes and accessory stalls, cafes and the likes of them. 
The sea here is much more transparent in comparison with that the town since there isn't a bay. Besides, it is rather deep just in shore. 
Speaking about nature, being  foothills of the Great Caucasus   Sukko is a beauty spot having a variety of plant species from oaks and beeches to relict 
In the Valley of Sukko there is a montain lake in the middle of which three cypresses coming from America grow. It is still a mystery how these unique trees managed to get here. Their peculairity is that due to high content of resint is not subject to rotting. 
Microclimate here is a little bit different from that in Anapa. It is warmer here in winter and cooler in summer.  Air is always fresh thank to numerous coniferous species, and everyone knows about cuative properties of fresh mountain air. 
Sukko possesses everything including mountains, forest and sea needed for active rest. In the valley of Sukko there are many foot touring pathes, equestrian tourism, jeeping, etc. are highly developed. Divers are striving here to observe the underwater world of extreme beauty and are ready to share  it with every wishing person. 
In Sukko children's health camp 'Smena' which is the residence of the creative teamwork 'Eralash' (meaning 'mess') is located. In summer they come here to have rest and to shoot new episodes. 
The route from Sukko to Anapa take approximately  half an hour. During the high season minibuses run every ten minutes. 
In Sukko you can stay in one of the hotels, mini-hotels, guest housings or private houses and apatements.
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